Climate Goals At Every Level
Climate Plans At Every Level
2023 Actions
Seattle Building Emissions Performance Standards adopted
SDOT Climate Change Framework released
2022 Actions
Seattle School Capital levy passed with $18M funding for clean energy conversion.
Washington State Building Codes Council passed requirements for new commercial buildings to have non-fossil fuel based space and water heating.
Seattle passed Climate Planning Resolution to require the Comprehensive Plan update to take climate into account; it must have a plan for reducing GHG, improving environmental justice, reducing VMT, and protecting fragile ecosystems.
2021 Actions
Seattle passed 2021 Energy Codes for commercial and multi-family buildings, requiring increased efficiency, as well as efficient electrical space and water heating
Seattle Public School board passed the 100% Clean Energy by 2040 Resolution
Seattle Department of Transportation will begin construction of RapidRide G, up Madison Ave, in the fall of 2021. Construction of new bike lanes on Green Lake Ave, and on Union Ave. have been completed.
Policies at Every Level
Useful Links
GHG Reduction Potential from Local Policies, an analysis from UC Berkeley's CoolClimate Network on what impact policies implemented by local governments can have on reducing GHG emissions. There is a website with modelling for over 700 different cities and counties in California, and a paper that describes in high level terms how the model is put together. On the right are results for Berkeley, CA: